
2012-05-24 11.57.29 (2)I could fill this page with lots of boring (for you) details about my career and qualifications, but I’m sure that’s not really what you want to know. You’ll probably want to know what I do and if it can help you.

I basically find or take information (which could be data, research, competitor intelligence, industry analysis or opinion) and mash it and squeeze it so that it yields some tangible, beneficial insight.

I then take that insight and work out how it can be used for you. It might just need building into a story so that it can be communicated, or it might need forming into a whole strategy for your business. It may mean you do things differently, or it may mean you don’t do some things at all.
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Every situation and every client is different though. Sometimes a relationship may start out because there is a specific question that needs answering or a specific issue that needs addressing. Sometimes it’s much more vague. But I have a huge box of tricks for performing all sorts of magic for clients.

Oh, and if you really do want the full lowdown on my career and qualifications, you can find them on LinkedIn!